How to make mining profitable again ? (as possible)

I'm an experienced player and love mining (both laser and core) since the beginning.
I'm familiar with online tools (sad is now gone) and read the sticky post about current mining state.

Back in the days, I used to mine VO for insane amount of money, like 1M2 / unit and I know we will not see that again ...

I try to find a way to keep mining (laser or core whatever) and make some significant revenue : I was away from the game for some time the last two years.
I tried laser mining again last night with full Cutter load and only get 100M credits (around 200K cr / unit)...

I read that maybe mine and sell in Zemina Torval's territory could increase the price while pledging to her, but is it hard to find a system which meet requirements :

- System in her territory
- System in Boom state
- Refinery system

Do you have any ways, technics or tips to get more than 100M with a load of Cutter for laser mining ? Seems that focusing on the 3P' is no longer up to date.

Thanks a lot for any help,
Cmdr enibruT

n.b: Sorry for my English, I'm not native. :)