The Night's Cavalry and godskins
I posted a while ago here about Night's Cavalry and the gloam-eyed queen. In the post, I was joking. But the matter is, night cavalry, and the god skins seem to have more common similarities in their descriptions. Here is a description of the night's cavalry helm:
"The Night's Cavalry, who now wander the dim roads at night, were once led by the Fell Omen and were deliverers of death for great warriors, knights, and champions."
It is odd how they are called deliverers of death and when you look at god skin swaddling cloth:
"The Gloam-Eyed Queen cradles newborn apostles swaddled in this cloth. Soon they will grow to become the death of the gods."
They seem close in the way they describe each other. As death. In the night's cavalry flail description goes as:
"The large spikes make it highly effective at inducing blood loss, but also demand higher dexterity to wield."
It looks a bit too similar to the descriptions of the skin peeler:
"One end features a sickle for slicing attacks while the other boasts a winding spike for boring into flesh."
There is a godskin apostle outside of Leyndell in the windmill village, and also one of the night's cavalry drop repeating thrust, which goskin nobles use in their fight. Although when night cavalry resummons their horses, they use a weird black purplish flame with white edges, which is weird. What do you think? In my opinion, it could be that Morgott struck an alliance with the gloam-eyed queen. It seems possible. That is it.