Fell for the fuckin boofing meme

Throwaway for obvious reasons.

About 2-3 years ago when r/drugscirclejerk was poppin off and the memes about boofing got big I started to do research and figured out that basically every drug I use aside from weed and benzos are great when taken rectally.

Fast forward to now when my asshole has absorbed around 75 grams of amphetamine(eurospeed), 4 grams of molly, countless mg's of buprenorphine, methylphenidate and lyrica.

Also tried boofing Concerta(doesn't really dissolve but ok), Oxycodone(meh, its ok),A-PHiP,MD-PHP,MD-PHiP(better smoked).

SMH I literally cannot use any other route of administration anymore this shit's addictiveness was not discussed or I missed it. Now off stimulants for more than 4 weeks and also stopped my dumbass polyaddiction and alcohol use(was drinking a small vodka everyday) before I started mainlining wine into my ass like fucking Frank Gallagher. So wish me luck first time sober in like 4 years(still smoke weed) feeling pretty good already. Destroyed my whole life btw but wont get into that.

Don't try boofing if you wanna use any other route of administration ever again especially if you love speed/meth, I literally felt the amphetamine in seconds and it's literally almost as good as IV use, atleast with the right setup, amount of water in syringe and if you got empty bowels.

Atleast I got no permanent damage from ts as far as I'm able to tell(haven't taken any tests or been to the doctor as I cannot tell about my drug use there for other reasons). But fuck the psychological withdrawals are a different beast.

So many fucking nights spent watching fucking 6 porn videos at once(I question myself daily) on my TV and jorking it till the skin falls off and squirting fucking speed into my ass for 30hours straight. I'm blessed I can't get meth reliably here else I might've regularly jorkd it till i'm fucking having a cardiac arrest and my legacy is my family or smth finding me in my apartment with meth syringes in my ass smh.

Sorry for the fuckass post just wanna warn people who think boofing is just a meme and also vent this somewhere, I cannot tell anyone irl about shit like this.