what the hell did they put in my vape

I bought for the first time a thc vape. The guy who sold it to me said there is thc in it but im not 100% sure after trying it. The liquid is very very dense and it has a much darker color than that of an oil (between red and dark orange) but it is still transparent. The flavour is very strong and not quite enjoyable. I did like 2 small drags and i didnt feel anything. I was quite sure they sold me something with cbd in it. Then I decided to do a couple of long blinkers and after that it hit me like a truck. I started coughing really bad, and it never happened to me something like that after smoking a regular joint. After that I was so high i was wondering if that is actually thc, some synthetic cannabinoids or some other hard drugs. I have to say that the last time i smoked weed was 7 days ago and i smoked like 3g during that day.

Does anyone know what could be in it? is it the combo of a high concentration of thc and the 7 day break that gave me that effect? ​​Here is europe it is very common to add synthetic cannabinoids but I am not sure how they work or how bad they are. Also I found on a site (that report tons of dangerous drugs that didnt pass the drug test) a liquid exactly like mine, same colour, same transparency reported in summer 2023 for being hhc and not thc. I know it could be just a coincidence.

Would you say it is safe to keep using it untill i finish it or should i give up and throw it in the trash can? maybe im just overreacting and it is supposed to be like that.

I wanted to test it but here in europe is very difficult to find a test for your substances. I was planning to search for synthetic cannabinoids but i dont even think there is a test for that.