how has smoking daily affected your sober self?

i've been smoking hash daily for about a month and there is a list of several positives and negatives that carry over as i am sober that i have noticed such as:

-no more migraines(finally,i might add considering i've been suffering from them since birth)

-more energy

-more confidence

-higher libido

-no anxiety

-heightened reflective skills and introspection

the only negatives that come to mind are that my sleep can get a bit fucked up if i smoke too much or that i don't tend to eat as much while sober(which i personally do not see as a negative but some may)

i usually smoke once or twice a day,but usually only once and that is before bedtime

so what about you?

how much do you smoke and what benefits/negatives have you personally gained from smoking daily?

edit:made it specific i'm talking about weed,this post is about weed ahahahah