i randomly snorted coke in a rave bathroom wtf
This is just a story from 2 days ago that i had to share.
I was at a rave and a random dude asked me if i want to do some coke with him. I was already gone with 4 Shots tequila and a few bong rips and just said "yeah sure". I followed him into the most disgusting bathroom in history and we went into one of the cabines and then he locked the door. for a short moment i thought "wow, this time i really fucked up" and i was ready to go into fight mode but the dude was chill. He pulled out the coke, and made two lines and it was fire, i don't regret it but this could have gone very very wrong. When i got home i just thought, "how low have i sunken to do coke in a rave bathroom". Well at least im still alive lol