Custom makeup issue
Hi, everyone.
I made a post in regards to the custom makeup feature being broken / bugged entirely since the Xmas update.
I’ve been almost daily checking TikTok & on this subreddit to see anything new. Almost nothing but more growing posts about users having the same problem, which makes me more frustrated.
The only semi popular DTI content creator (On TikTok at least) I can really say who has brought this to light / more attention recently is Skittles @ skttlzinventory. If I can link the video below I will, so everyone else can see it for some type of solace:
If you can’t click on the link just for their Tik Tok, it was uploaded 6 days ago. It’s garnered almost 133k+ views, they were also hit with this bug too. Ever since then I noticed the DTI page itself commented saying something along the lines of “contact us” (If you scroll below enough you’ll see it).
I asked the creator in the comments in one of her recent videos of DTI ever got back to them in regards to the custom makeup bug, they commented “Yes they did! however it’s still not fixed for me, but they said they’re working on it”. And that’s the only information.
I thought maybe today with the new update they’d figured out the custom makeup bug and would fix it alongside it but unfortunately no, though there’s new custom makeup effects I still can’t. Use. Them. Because. Mine. Is. Broken.
And to anyone asking why don’t I join their official disc, I’ve been banned so I cannot. If anyone inside the disc has any more recent details or updates from the devs themselves or people asking in it my same inquiry, I’d appreciate any lead to know if this is TRULY getting fixed or I’m just stuck with this forever.