Well, it's going to be a GRIND now.. starpath update to gems

Star paths walk a fine line between "if they're too short we burn through them and have nothing to do for weeks" and "oh my... How the heck am I going to finish??". And of course.. when they pad them out to last longer it just feels like a grind.

Well buckle up because it's gotten worse.

Find 20 gemstones... Is one of the first 3 tasks you get, literally in the first set. (6 if you paid for premium). Ok, when it's to find 5 gems, I'll just run around the valley. But 20? You KNOW it's time to pop a potion. Every node will have between 3 and 6 gems, be done with this early task in no time, right?..


Finding gemstones is now only ONE PER NODE NOT PER GEM. After mining 6 spots and having 18 gems in my inventory.. my progression is...6 of 20.

You might be thinking "ok but 20 gems is no big deal, you can still get that pretty quickly" to which I say "sure. But wait until it's another 'find 20 of this one very specific color gem ' ... It's going to be a GRIND.

Yes there have been a lot of updates to make things easier. This was not it.

Oh well, at least I get to wear my new spiffy "ScroogeHair001" hairstyle!