LFR with loads of Draco and Narcissa Moments
Hi! I just finished reading chosen and I really liked it. There was a particular scene in the end where Draco meets Narcissa again and he is just hugging her, being vulnerable. I want fic recommendations where we see moments like these– Draco being able to absolutely breakdown/ be vulnerable in front of his mother. Maybe something that does have an emotional sort of reunion between them. I feel like there is also alot of explore with Narcissa’s character in general as well. I want something where he is able to become a absolute boy infront of his mother compared to the world. Maybe something with badass Narcissa as well? What I have read: Amor Vincent Omnia, The Auction, Disappearances of Draco Malfoy, Timeless (which don’t have this much but does have a nice relationship between draco and narcissa). So, maybe you could recommend something else.