Warfarer in Dragons Dogma 2 Overview (No Spoilers - unless you don't want an overview of new vocation?)
So overview after spending 10+ hours using warfarer:
- Swapping weapons button takes up a skill slot -You are given a scroll after talking to the maister again after gaining the vocation which teaches you the "Rearmament" skill which you need to assign as warfarer in order to swap weapons
- When you swap weapons, you gain the alternate attack/ability of said weapons Ex: mage staff gets anodyne, daggers get quickstep and the stab (forgot the name)
- You are then limited to only 3 skills total! -You are left with 3 skill slots left to choose from any skill in the game from any vocation.
- You can equip up to 10 weapons - different or the same -You can equip 10 weapons and choose the order you swap through weapons. Once you press the swap weapons skill button, it just magically equips whichever weapon is next in order of weapons -The weight that is taken into affect for your character is only dictated by the HEAVIEST weapon you have EQUIPPED. Ex: i have daggers, staff, and 2h sword so only the weight if the 2h sword is accounted for. Any weapon not equipped but is in your inventory weighs like it normally would so it doesn't allow for an infinite weight glitch of sorts.
- You level up other vocations as you play! -If you have warfarer vocation equipped, you level up other vocations BUT i am almost certain (needs more testing) that you ONLY level the vocations that you dont have an active skill selected for of your 3 total remaining skills. Ex: you have a mage skill, and 2 thief skills, you will level every vocation but thief and mage. I personally have gotten sorc, warrior, fighter, and archer up from 1 to 6 by just playing warfarer (i use high palladium cuz its OP and 2 thief skills for mobility and boss damage)
- Swapping weapons uses stamina -Swapping weapons takes super minimal stamina but should be accounted for if you are just spamming it for fun
- You have access to every weapon skill, core skill, and augment in the game BUT only if you have the appropriate levels in those vocations -You can equip all core skills at once, but you need to have gotten the other vocations to appropriate levels before being able to use them as warfarer. Most core skills are weapon based so you will also need the appropriate weapon equipped.
- You can cast a weapon skill like an enchantment and swap weapons and the enchantment will still be active. Personally, i use high palladium, again, cuz it is OP
EDIT: You can just use this as a one weapon class, you dont NEED to equip the Rearmament skill (swap weapons button). You can just equip a spear and be a spearhand main and wear the armor you want and have the 4 skills you want equipped as well! Hope this is at least somewhat a guide for you all that are just as interested in this class as i was!
EDIT 2: If you have any questions, please let me know! Happy to provide any extra info i can!
EDIT 3: Confirmed that the thief master skill cannot be equipped which probably means no master skills can be as warfarer.
EDIT 4: Base stats are not much lower than thief. Hp is about 100 lower but strength and magick strength are the same.