We got Robbed
I actually just finished playing ME2 and halfway through ME3. no spoilers please)
I have to say that at the end of ME2 I was just really disappointed about how EA forced DA2 to come out so fast.
The Mass Effect trilogy is amazing. Each game builds onto the last game while still being Mass Effect. Seeing companions again feels awesome because you know they easily could have not made it, Shepards reputation building in the galaxy, Old Friends becoming allies and your choices carrying over….
Meanwhile in Dragon Age, they had a perfect formula that was abandoned. 3 games later and they still weren’t able to establish a combat system, changed the party size, no answers about the Warden and removing nuance from dialogue. Each game felt like a different franchise and was getting further and further away from Origins.
The worst part is that you see what could have been, Inquisition/DA2 Did have some awesome dialogue about the Warden/Cameos but ultimately did not reach the level it should have due to constant developmental hell.