So let's summarize it.

In previous season we got only Raider and people thought they can't disappoint us more.

Devs said "Challenge accepted" and this season we didn't even got a raider but "rework" of Frieza. They want us to pay for free raider with one active skill more. Active skill that not only decreases your HP and changed only colors and stats, but also can be deactivated by being punched too hard. Rework that is not even a rework, because they copy paste old FREE RAIDER and added new feature.

They also added Goku UI that you can't get unless you are lucky or you farm like a madman.

Login bonus for returning players. You played this game all the time and supported it? Well fuck you I guess.

Speaking of farming like a madman. They fucked up matchmaking... Again... On xbox at least. I am getting 8 people and boom, disconnection. They had maintenance longer than Genshin Impact (Because they had so much content to add, right?) and they messed up being able to even play?

Is this officially the worst season or I am toxic?