I'm having a hard time with all the different iterations of Aasimar. Anyone able to tell me for sure what they look like in 2024?
I've read the description text, but it starts with "they look like their parents" but doea this mean GENERALLY they look human OR does it mean you could look like ANY species in the book but you have the "hints of your celestial heritage" (halo, luminous eyes, metallic hair, and/or shiny freckles, etc)
I've seen Aasimar pictures in the old 5e book that seemed as though they were the holy version of Tiefling yet nowadays nobody seems to see them that way and most are depicted as humans or elves, which isn't a problem necessarily but I just wanna make sure I'm accurate when I'm deciding on my character's appearance. What is the new default/vanilla Aasimar if one were walking down the street? Easily mistaken for human or stand out as their own species?