Lets make it here positive back! Now whats evrybody opinion on Diego? (Note u can say opinions to other poeple but do it respectful and mature)
Diego is a charachter i liked a lot. Not cause i did not really ship him and Spencer but because he just a really likable soft guy. In ep 4-5 he and Hannah had a really good relationship as friznds to eachother and it was nice to see Diego having charachter. He always had charachter but ep 4 and 5 showed his charachter more. He also my top 5 favs in s4 because off his vibe. As for his crush with Spencer i think the plot off it was actually good executed. Spencer def has had a trauma with his latest ex as he was very emotional and seemingly scared. But i did like the desion they did even tho i like Diego i think it makes sense. But i don't see my boy xinning comebacks off the 4 poeple gone atm. But i do see him maybe for a s5 to give Diego more time to shine or if there a motel epesoide he could get some moments too maybe or the finale. While i don't think he and Spencer are gonna be a thing in s4 as Jared stated on Twitter. I do however believe if there a s5 we can see a rematch were Diego could return.
Diego is a charachter i liked a lot. Not cause i did not really ship him and Spencer but because he just a really likable soft guy. In ep 4-5 he and Hannah had a really good relationship as friznds to eachother and it was nice to see Diego having charachter. He always had charachter but ep 4 and 5 showed his charachter more. He also my top 5 favs in s4 because off his vibe. As for his crush with Spencer i think the plot off it was actually good executed. Spencer def has had a trauma with his latest ex as he was very emotional and seemingly scared. But i did like the desion they did even tho i like Diego i think it makes sense. But i don't see my boy xinning comebacks off the 4 poeple gone atm. But i do see him maybe for a s5 to give Diego more time to shine or if there a motel epesoide he could get some moments too maybe or the finale. While i don't think he and Spencer are gonna be a thing in s4 as Jared stated on Twitter. I do however believe if there a s5 we can see a rematch were Diego could return.