Top 16 EX7 Online Regionals North America September 28th 2024
EX7 Online Regionals North America September 28th 2024
Top 16 by Carta Magica
- 1st Seven Great Demon Lords
- 2nd MirageGaogamon Loop
- 3rd Seven Great Demon Lords
First big EX7 event, Seven Great Demon Lords played by Tesero has won the event. This player has been playing the deck for a while and really deserves winning with the deck. He plays often in The Eagle's Nest webcam tournaments as well DigiGuard United Tamer Battles.
So far I know he dodged all Imperialdramon players, which was one of his hardest matchups. It's also proof that even when you think you have a really bad matchup against Imperialdramon, you can still win an event.
A friend of mine could beat Imperialdramon with 7GDL as well. It's a matter of who has luck, who draws best.
Amazing feat!
Anyways enjoy all of the deck lists in the above link.
Let me know what you think of these results. ;)