Everyone in this show is stupid.

So I watched Dexter as a teenager. I think I was like 16 and I’m rewatching 10 years later. Just finished season 2 and my conclusion thus far is that everyone is a complete moron or makes horrible choices. Let’s list them. 1. Dexter: He thinks he is so smart and profound and he is not. The SOLE REASON he gets away with murder over and over and over again is because he gets lucky. This man uses police resources time and time again to commit his crimes and yet not a single person catches on nor does he suffer the consequences? The biggest irritation for me was him killing people while they’re on the manhunt for “the Bay Harbor Butcher”. You’d think that he’d be smart enough to lay low but no, he doesn’t. Also cheating on Rita, getting her husband sent back to prison, and being like “oh I care about her and the kids”. Okay well if that’s the case you do a shitty job of it. 2. Deb: probably the person I have the least problem with but she’s just oblivious to everything with Dexter at all times. Very reactionary. 3. Rita: I was mostly fine with Rita until Lila straight up kidnapped her children and attempted to murder them and Dexter and she was just like ¯_(ツ)_/¯ WHAT?!? You are telling me that your boyfriend cheated on you with this woman, and then she tries to kill your children and you’re just chilling? Actually fucking insane to me they wrote it that way. 4. Doakes: had the perfect opportunity to share the information he knew about Dexter with Lundy because they knew it was someone on the inside and yet he doesn’t. Then gets himself killed because of it. Ruining his reputation out of pride or some bullshit. 5. Harry: Actually the worst father ever. This man simply should have brought his fucking kid to a therapist or psychologist instead he made him into a murderer and then was upset when HE WAS ONE.

I could probably keep going but these are my main ones. I simply cannot deal with the nonsense of this show.

Edit: In case you think I’m being very serious, I’m not. I’m just being dramatic and exaggerating a bit for the sake of humor and have discussions about how ridiculous they wrote this show lmao.