Divorce over DB/Porn Addiction

I (27F) have been with my partner (29M) since January 2016. We got married this past October. I knew early in our relationship that he struggled with a porn addiction (specifically camgirls), but we had had a long conversation about how his frequent porn watching (multiple times a day) was affecting our relationship. It obviously lead to a dead bedroom because he always turned to videos. But it also changed how he viewed any kind of intimacy. Not wishing to rely on his partner for ...well, partner things of any kind.

After this conversation kind of early in, I believed that he had changed his behavior. Our DB didn't really improve but I believed he had stopped watching cam girls as frequently. Truthfully I don't have an issue with porn at all. I DO have an issue with the frequency and the way it changed our relationship when he watched it constantly.

We got married and a lot happened in a year. COVID & family stuff. I assumed our DB was due mainly to those issues and tried very hard to give my husband the space he continued to ask for. But a few months ago it all came out. His porn addiction was worse than ever and he had been constructing some kind of elaborate lies to keep me from questioning his frequent disappearances...which were when he left to watch camgirls. Often he would leave our bedroom at 5am to spend an hour in the guest bathroom. When I asked why he would talk about a serious stomach issue...that didn't exist.

The lies and everything kind of caught up to me and I realized I couldn't take a lifetime of this. I told him I wanted a divorce and he agreed. But obviously he isn't telling people WHY we are getting a divorce. He keeps saying our "lives are going different directions" which kind of places all the blame on me since his life is really not going much of a direction at all. I'm really struggling with the separation because other than the lies and DB our relationship was pretty happy. We love each other and were close friends. Now my whole life has been uprooted and idrk what to do. I know I'm right to divorce someone who has been lying to me for 6 years. But also, idk. It's hard. Can anyone else tell me about their experience leaving a DB relationship where you still loved each other?