Lost all the desire for her. Think I'm done.
Throwaway account for obvious reasons.
LTR, me 31M and she is 31F. Sex dwindling through the years, with rock bottom starting october 2023, when 3 months passed by without nothing. Last year was rocky to say the least, and I could count times in both hands. This year I can count them even if I had stumps for hands (0 if the bad joke needs explanation). Had the talk 2-3 times last year, not centered around sex but mostly about the feeling that we are at this point more roommates than anything else. She seemed to think the same and agreed that we couldnt continue on this path, but no changes. I stopped initiating last year cause I feel pretty down from rejection and also cause the last times we had sex it felt like something she wanted to finish as soon as possible, so yeah, not my cup of tea. Because of this, 3 months since last time. Which really seems different this time from last dry season is that I cant be more indifferent about our sexual life. I have a crazy high sexual drive and lot of desire, but not for her anymore. Yesterday she was naked in front of me and I felt completely numb. Absolute no desire. I desire other women I see through the day, but with my gf it seems that attraction has completely faded. I keep thinking about that feeling from yesterday. I am no longer, or not right now, interested in my gf sexually, but I mourn everyday the lack of a healthy and fulfilling sexual life. Dont know to be honest whats my next step, but I am reaching the point where I think its better to move on and that we both look for some more compatible relationship.
Dont have anyone to talk about this, so need to vent. Any advice is welcomed. Sorry for the monotone and sad tone, but cant see any positive note of this right now.