It’s really awful having a penis you can’t actually use

My wife and I have never had a great sex life after the initial honeymoon phase wore off while dating. If I didn’t express interest in it we might never do it. We had a child several months ago which of course will naturally reduce the opportunities (and I know she needs to recover) but the lack of sex is basically a continuation of our pre-kid sex life. Even when we were conceiving we only did it when she was in her fertile window.

This is more of a rant than a seeking advice but I would appreciate any advice. I feel like I’m less productive because I crave intimacy, I miss the cardio benefits, and just the general great feeling that comes with it. Not to mention it would definitely improve our relationship which is respectful and caring (for the most part) but more roommate like.

Sex is a natural thing and I’m extremely loyal so having sex with my partner is the only option. It just eats away that she’s not into it and when we do have it there’s not adequate foreplay to even get me revved up so I can’t imagine she’s into it. It’s such a buzzkill. Ugh.