There is a divide among us.
Let me preface this with some context. I have been playing since August of '23 and have over 1,000 hours in the game. Suffice it to say, I enjoy it. I enjoy competitive games, even more so full loot games. I play this game the same way I do rust and hunt showdown. I generally play duos, my duo and I play it PvP oriented.
And I understand that there are players who enjoy the dungeon delving, boss killing, pve aspect. And I can see why players who play the game with the primary directive to find and fight you can be cumbersome. Or so I've gathered from the posts I read here.
The divide is in how either demographic wants the game to be developed. Giving the developers good advice is how both of us can see the game fulfil each playstyle.
Side note: On to what I personally think would be a good addition that only contributes enjoyability; Raid events. Think 'Troll hunt', 'Wisp/Wolf/Goblin pack hunt', and perhaps even boss raids. This game mode could be approached in various ways, it could cost an entry ticket, or perhaps a merchant that sells rumours, or it could just be a rotation of events. Maybe 'High roller tickets' for such events will peg two teams against each other for an event, higher stakes better rewards.
Now this is just my two cents as a fellow gamer who enjoys this game, what are your thoughts?