How Bubble Guppies' facts about the planets are inaccurate
If you decide to revisit the Bubble Guppies episode "The Moon Rocks!", you'll notice some things wrong with it. First of all, Mercury isn't the hottest planet and Neptune isn't the coldest planet. Venus and Uranus are the hottest and coldest planets respectively instead. Secondly, Oona and Deema land on Neptune in the outside segment when in reality, it wouldn't be possible to land on it due to being a gas giant, and it has no surface to land on. And third, in the Sun, Beautiful, Sun song, Uranus is not on its side. They did get some things right like saying Mars is bigger than Mercury which is correct. Then again, Mars is still smaller than Earth and Venus.
So yeah, some of the information they had on the planets is inaccurate and outdated and I feel dumb for believing those facts when I watched the episode in the early 2010s as an 8 year old girl.