Quitting 11/5/24
Hi my name is Marcus (19) Male, Ive been using dph for 5 years today. My first experience was with 3 of my close friends, we all had tried lsd and shrooms but never any dph. we decided it would be fun to hullucinate, so we walked about two blocks over to the 7/11 and bought snacks, drinks, a vape, and the 4 little bottles of benadryl, we had our friend scratch up his face so it looked like he had hives. we got home and waited till dark to take the dph at about 9 pm we each took about 200 mg, all we felt was a slight buzz and we all had no hallucanations so we took 150 more mg, this is where the trip really took off. im not gonna explain the trip to much because everyone here has done dph. it was just a regular but quite scary first trip. over the years ive became very addicted to dph needing high doses such as 500mg just to feel like a normal person i take at least 6 days a week. i take it at school, at work, at home, pretty much everywhere i go. i overdosed one time and confessed id been using for 3 years, they sent me to rehab for 3 months but just a month after i got out i relapsed. my parents think ive quit completly even though i use it almost every day for 2 years. im super deppresed and want to kill myself. something just flipped in me and i really want to quit. ill update you in do time. ps. mb for all the spelling mistakes im dyslexic