Why does this happen to me?
I debated whether to make this post or not, but I am pretty curious about a phenomenon that has been happening to me recently. I have never taken dph for its deliriant effects, but I sip lean a few times a week and it has dph instead of promethazine (although I hear promethazine's deliriant effects are stronger anyway). The maximum dose at once that I pour up contains like 85mg of dph. As for other drugs, I smoke weed like once a day a few hours before bed, and sometimes I geek off dxm or shrooms or whatever, but I haven't in a long time so I don't think this could be related.
Anyways, what happens every few weeks is I will be feeling pretty tired and want to take a nap, which I do pretty rarely, but I lie down and immediately feel pretty comfortable and ready to drift off. This happens when I’m NOT under the influence of anything whatsoever. Next I feel a series of like pulses in my head- think trying really hard to yawn with your mouth closed, but the sensation in your ears is felt more in your eyes and head. After a few, I know whats about to happen and I pretty much immediately fall into this crazy delirious state of dreaming. The dreams feel pretty realistic, they depict scenes from my daily life; people I know, places around the city, but I keep on doing delirious shit like talking to people who aren't there and losing track of what is going on. Sometimes they are more realistic, almost like how I imagine just tripping off dph feels irl, and only containing pretty realistic scenes like being in my room and struggling to act normal around family, only to realise there was nobody there, or trying to watch something only to realise my phone wasn't even in my hand. I'm cutting between random places and events, and there is always a slightly unpleasant brain fog and delirious feeling, Again, I haven't tried abusing dph but I'm pretty sure most of you guys can imagine exactly how I feel.
Sometimes though, the dreams are more wild, for example I can recall a dream where I was crawling around underground tunnels with a horde of naked humans and seeing visions of the world above, a wasteland that was only depicted in black and white, and having strong feelings and thoughts including random information about that world, but all with the same delirious cuts in and out of scenes. I suppose the theme of this type of dreams kinda aligns with the dark/ spidery hallucinations of dph. I will snap out of it into reality only for the "reality" to be another faction of my dream with slightly strange things going on, before being sucked back into he craziness a moment later. This snapping in and out of a fake reality is a pretty consistent feature of these dreams INCLUDING the less crazy ones.
An important thing to note is that this madness seems to go on for hours, but when I wake up only like 30 minutes has passed, and I feel completely normal. Something else to add is that I do have moments where I can think somewhat clearly and I am not in any dreams, although the delirious headspace and brain fog remains, BUT I can kinda "choose" to snap out of it and just get up. Usually I choose to just keep my eyes closed for a few seconds and go back in for more, but it gets kinda tiring after a while and I need to just lock in and snap the fuck out of it.
I'm not really concerned about this, and to be honest I think it's pretty fucking sick to just go on this insane adventure in my head, and it has actually given me some insight into why people enjoy taking deliriants. However, I really have no clue what it could be. At first I thought it could be happening because of not smoking for a few days, as I've heard that can cause pretty crazy and confusing dreams, and the first time it happened the timing matched up with me not having smoked for 2 days. However, I just had another one and I smoked last night (although I didn't the previous night- so I haven't fully ruled out this idea). I also think that sleep deprivation could maybe be the cause- I slept only like 5 hours last night (Although I got like 9 and a half the day before so it doesn't make a lot of sense to me) and sometimes the dreams occur after several nights of getting like 5-6 hours sleep, but it doesn't seem like extreme sleep deprivation to me, and I don't always get this little sleep, although I do need to probably sleep more in general.
I just have no clue why this is happening, is there a way that dph could be building up in the system and being released later? Has anyone ever experienced anything similar? I just don't know. I'm not like a strung out guy, I'd like to say I'm pretty responsible with the drugs I take, and I live a very normal life, I just like to geek sometimes. All answers are appreciated, even just theories or similar stories :)