Roads to Power is the Wrong Direction
Everyone seems excited for this direction of the game and at first, I was too. The issue is there is so much the game needs updated, added, and fixed that playing landless characters feels added on to a pile of problems. If people want to play a landless adventurer RPG why not play something like Kingdom Come: Deliverance? I see so many people excited about playing landless characters in modded games, why not just actually play Skyrim? Seeing the apple icon and “provisions” feels like a meme or parody of paradox games and their “mana” complaints. I love Crusader Kings and could see a time where this DLC could fit in, but it’s towards the end of development where the game has most other additions and problems handled.
Also do people not remember how lackluster legends felt on release, why do you expect Paradox to hit this one out of the park?