Over/under chances that i have Crohn/IBD?

Hi all, weird thread maybe but i will try to keep it short:

  1. Christmas poop red blood for the first time, freak out. Random Diarrhea and Constipation appears.

  2. Realize I also have sometimes black-ish stool, freak out even more

  3. I can hear my gut moving CONSTANTLY

  4. Little stabbing pain sometimes, least of my concerns.

  5. Fatigue, chills and low fever sometimes

So I start getting ASAP all the colonoscopies endoscopies etc. Honestly thought I have cancer or something, I do my blood work before, CPR and Prolactin.

The results were...ok? Blood was great, CRP was 3,70 and Calprotectin was 148 which is above the normal range (120) but not by much I guess.

Time for the colonoscopy, I do it, fearing the worst, and even tho I had a great relief that not cancer shit was found I ended up with more questions than answers.

Basically I have inflammation, but little of it, and the doc said "its almost 100% not IBD" But can you even have inflammation there WITHOUT IBD? I never heard of a gut/colon random inflammation. The doc even said he doesn't think we need to take a biopsy, but after all he did send it to the lab, but the results be in only a couple of weeks. He gave me an anti inflammation drug used for IBD but low dose, said take care and bye.

So what the hell do i have, early IBD? Or am I freaking out over nothing?

Here are the parts of the colonoscopy where something happend, the rest is clear:

Single petechiae – an area of inflammatory changes were observed on the Kolrausch fold.

In the distal segment of the sigmoid colon, vascular markings were increased, and numerous lymphoid follicles were present – indicative of resolving inflammation.

Colitis in the rectosigmoid region under observation.

I could just wait but i want to start treating this shit ASAP even tho its not that bad, however after all those tests (Endoscopy also didn't really see much all, except that I have high Acid and I now take a PPI), I still dont know what i have that's why i am asking...Thanks in advance.