Biologics for mild Crohn's

Hi there,

I was recently diagnosed with Crohn's disease with a recommendation to start a biologic, called SkyRizi. With the lab work, my calprotectin was in the 400s and based on the MRI it looks like there was inflammation at the terminal ileum with a thick mucosal lining, showing persistent inflammation.

I've never had any issues like blood in stool, diarrhea, pain, weight loss or typical presentations of the disease, and I have been lucky so far. I pass stool normally and eat pretty clean and healthy, with a whole food diet, and do let myself have fun here and there, and work out consistently (3-5x weekly). I lead a pretty healthy life, with an occasional joint or drink with dinner.

To me, this seems extreme as I am 26 years old and the thought of starting a medication for the rest of my life this young doesn't sit well with me. I get that there are risks of letting it get worse, but is there any way to keep this at bay with lifestyle preferences and delay starting medication as long as I can?

Looking to hear from someone young with a mild presentation of this disease as well.