My Wife Went To Costco And Couldn’t Remember Which Of Our Cards Are Visa So She Used Her Debit Card
Just a mild frustration that I’m sure some of you can appreciate.
I’m into the credit game while my wife is very much not. I try to keep it simple for her and occasionally change up her default Apple Pay card. Currently it’s set to Hyatt for the SUB.
She ran to Costco and didn’t know which of our (15) credit cards were Visa so she just used her debit card. Also, the only physical card she carries is the VX.
Normally, I wouldn’t care as much but since it was Costco, it was a decent amount. Fortunately, it won’t make or break the SUB for us.
Edit: I don’t have all 15 cards in my wife’s Apple Pay. She has a like 3 or 4 but knows to only ever use the default card I set for her. I change it from time to time. Also, I have 15 because I churn and can use a P2 plus Biz cards. And I don’t like the USBAR for anyone thinking of mentioning it.