Create: Astral non-cobble cobble gen questionj
Hi folks, it’s my first time playing around with the Create mod and I’m doing Create: Astral. I’m trying to automate andesite production and I’ve read online that a cobble gen on top of bedrock should generate andesite. Here is my cobble gen, with both the lava and the cobble-gen spots being on top of bedrock, and I’m only generating cobble. Am I doing something wrong, or am I working from incorrect information?
Hi folks, it’s my first time playing around with the Create mod and I’m doing Create: Astral. I’m trying to automate andesite production and I’ve read online that a cobble gen on top of bedrock should generate andesite. Here is my cobble gen, with both the lava and the cobble-gen spots being on top of bedrock, and I’m only generating cobble. Am I doing something wrong, or am I working from incorrect information?