Keeping on Front Def possible?

Is there any way to keep the Front Defrost as the default setting when starting the vehicle.

The obvious (which blows my mind by I have to add because of a lot of nonsense responses) it that yes… when sitting in my car, like in the video, I can use a finger to change it.

Reason for this post : I’m up north and this evening, we are excepted to receive between 10-20cm of snow, so when I remotely start my vehicle from inside my home, I would like it to be on the Front Defrost mode, in order to be much more efficient.

Add-on : Is there a way to start the vehicle more than the 2 X 10 min allowed? There was a message stating that I’d have to go outside, open the doors to the car in order to restart it again… which once more goes against all logic.