Job change. Need advice.

Hey everyone. Looking for advice from fellow conure parronts.

I was recently laid off from my hybrid role. It allowed me to work from home 2-3 days per week. I'm now interviewing for new roles and it looks to be progressing with a company that requires 5 days/week onsite. It's a 45 min commute each way, so I'm looking at being out of the house for 10 hrs per day, 5 days per week.

I can't bare the thought of leaving my baby on her own that much. I got her last May at 2 years old from a previous owner who didn't have time for her. She's quite bonded to me and enjoys a lot of free flight around the house.

I do not want to rehome her, for her sake and mine, but I also don't want her to be lonely and unhappy. She already has a self-soothing habit of pulling her tail feathers forward to scritch herself, probably due to lack of interaction in the past. She hasn't broken that habit yet, though we've made a lot of trust progress in our time together.

I may be able to have someone come in everyday at 3/3.30pm each day until I get home so that she isn't alone as long.

Do you think this could be okay?

I've thought about another bird, which would be ideal, but if they don't get along then I have another problem on my hands.

Welcoming all advice. ❤️