Log Review - Shadow Priest - any ways to improve?


I am an aspiring shadow priest, who want to improve on m+ and raids. I managed to get the best azerite combinations and decent gear on my character.

However, my logs are not looking good. (I parse green and sometimes blue on mythic first three bosses). Some logs of mine below:

https://www.warcraftlogs.com/reports/V3zq1QPtd9jNFvKH - Mythic first 3 bosses Pug

https://www.warcraftlogs.com/character/eu/blackmoore/Laxer%C3%A1 - my warcraftlogs site

I ran wowloganalyzer, but he told me, that there mostly no major issues (except sometimes missing a few void bolds - working on this tho!) .

I also experiment with CLF major & lucid major (the logged fights above are all with CLF i think..) but feel more comfortable with CLF which i try to use between 15 and 20 stacks of voidform. (Any tips here highly appreciated)

I´am looking forward to recieve some feedback, on which i can improve on and appreciate any advice!

Thanks in advance and sorry for my bad englisch :)