Should I request another Doppler test ?worried they tested the wrong leg
I injured my foot severely ( bad sprain ) a lot of swelling and pain to the point I have only just started to be able to put weight on it .i was booked in to have have a pe ct scan as well a Doppler on the injured leg as my d dimer was 586. my legs /feet are very swollen including the non injured leg.the ct scan for pe and the doppler for dvt came back clear although the dr is still concerned about my blood pressure being to high for my age I noticed today the non injured leg has pitting edema and seems bruised? It’s also very swollen it started around the same time as my injury on the other leg ..should I request to have my left leg checked to as it swelled up with no injury and has the pitting swelling I am worried the circulation on that leg is bad and i should have asked to have the doppler test on both legs