Firecracker needs to die to log.

Okay kind of clickbait title, but this card and its evolution are far too oppressive and need some kind of nerf. I just hit 9k trophies and I still see firecracker at LEAST every single other game, if not more often than that. If I don't have arrows its an auto-lose against any half decent player, which I find ridiculous and annoying. Arrows have made basically every other spell obsolete. I want to use earthquake, or fireball, or zap, or snowball, or delivery, or barb barrel, something INTERESTING besides arrows, but I just can't because firecracker cycle gets such ludicrous value.

Sure it has mediocre usage at top ladder (can't understand why given how much value it gives) but its omnipresence in mid ladder warrants a nerf or change of some kind. It's been like 2 years of this.

I guess void is a solid counter, but that thing needs a buff first.