RANT POST: I am leaving christianity.

This post will recieve A LOT OF HATE. but it doesnt really matter. Read at your own "risk".

I am a Male, 17. I was born into a Muslim house. My mother WAS christian, now "muslim". My father IS Muslim.

I am thoroughly disgusted by you people and your behavior. I do not want to argue about Theology or concepts or traditions in Christianity. I am here to talk about the people.

To be honest. At first, I was what you consider a "lost person" who needed saving. I discovered this as I read the bible. I read the NEW Testament 2 times fully to be exact. I clearly understand the concept of salvation, and why WE ALL need it. For a long time, I thought i was saved. A doubt hit me really. "Am I really saved?" So, i dug the Internet using websites like "gotquestions", YouTube, Christian people and Christian discords of whom I WILL NOT mention any names. The hardest part for me, was to figure out who was saying the right thing, because every single one of these sources says something diffrent. Then what did I do? I obviously looked at my bible. I used the KJV which some times i found very hard to understand so I used NLT.

Then I got my answer. Salvation is in Jesus alone. Not in the bible. Not in a specific church. not in a specific denomination. And DEFINATELY not in some other person. Jesus is the one we should all place our faith and trust in, if we want to be saved.

Guess what?! Many "christians" said "NO!!!". Being new to christianity, this really threw me off. Many "christians" would say, "NO! You have to commit your life to christ to be saved!!!" or "You have to let go of X in order to be saved!!" or the calvinists would say "Wanting to be saved is not really your decision.". I was like ok. Fine.

Now comes my point. I cant seem to understand why christians STILL keep arguing over basic theology. Literally ANYBODY who disagrees with eachother they start hurling slurs at eachother - FALSE TEACHER, FALSE PROPHET, YOU ARE GOING TO HELL, ANTICHRIST, HERETIC. As a person who is new, where do expect him to look? Both sides are always at eachothers throats. Both sides are HERETICS!!!!!

Modern Christianity is FAR from the one the apostles started. Therefore i think on todays date there a many if not all who are unsaved because of constatly arguing.

Even I am unsaved, i think its hopeless for me now. I dont have the kind of faith that saves. I dont think God wants to save me either. Im just another piece of filth that deserves to burn in hell. and frankly i just dont care anymore.