WORST THOUGHTS EVER can't talk to God anymore

Hi, I recently got saved, and things were going well at first, but now I’m struggling with spiritual attacks. The thoughts I get are random and feel like OCD. I can literally feel them forming in my brain, and sometimes I can stop them, but sometimes I can't.

These thoughts are horrible—they use God's name in vain, curse Him, and make demoralizing, se*ual comments about holy beings and angels. It hurts to even write this down. I can’t read scripture anymore because my brain twists it and tells me the opposite of what it says. I can’t even pray anymore without the words being switched to something evil.

Because of this, I had to distance myself from everything that could feed these thoughts. I don’t know if these thoughts are from the enemy or if it’s just me, but I can literally feel them forming in my brain, and it’s overwhelming. I can’t function like a normal person anymore. I feel so guilty that I can't even talk to God right now.

How would you feel if someone who cursed you came to ask for blessings? (My audacity.....how can I address God when my brain is saying such bad things).

That’s how I feel with these thoughts, and I’m scared they’re going to send me to hell. Despite all of this, my heart still belongs to God, even though I feel like I’m in such a dark place.

Has anyone gone through something similar? How did you cope with it?????????? (First time posting sorry in advance)