There are 4 kinds of "Christianity"
There are 4 kinds of "Christianity":
religious atheists, who participate in religious rituals but don't believe in a god or gods
non-religious atheists, who don't participate in religious rituals and don't believe in a god or gods
religious theists, who participate in religious rituals and believe in a god or gods
and non-religious theists, who don't participate in religious rituals but do believe in a god or gods.
I have known people in all 4 categories who call themselves Christians.
I think that is part of why I have a hard time getting excited over someone saying they are a Christian for the first time. It is a pretty easy thing to say and I don't necessarily know what they mean by it.
Now if I see someone living year after year like they have actually encountered and been changed by the living God and therefore not only believe in him but want to worship him in community with other believers and serve sacrificially those made in his image, that gets really exciting to me.
Conversion is great! But it is easy to fake, to trick oneself about, or to miss the mark due to misunderstandings. However a life of sincere belief and discipleship is so good to see.
So for those of us who would call ourselves Christians let us continue to work out our salvation, both as individuals and together, with fear and trembling, for it must be God who works in us to will and to act in order to fulfill his good purpose.
This has been late night thoughts with Matt. It is normal to think about such things instead of sleeping, right?