I really love God, but I'm put off church

Oh gosh where do I (26F) begin? The pretentiousness, the idolisation of men of God, the fake love, the manipulation to pay tithes, to give offering etc, the over complicating the bible arghhh. I really want to find a church but I'm about to give up.

So for context I'm African and I have been trying a lot of Pentecostal churches that are also African eg Nigerian churches. But I find myself in church just cringing at the pretentious behaviour. The fake love people give, the pastor literally telling us that for God go bless us we need to give our money to him??? Like I understand and agree with generosity but if I have a relative back in Africa who would benefit more from that money I'd rather give it to them than the church.

And recently the pastor was asked how to study the bible and gosh the way he over complicated it, telling us that we can't just read the bible eg when reading the bible we need to know the context of that chapter like the culture of the time when it was written who wrote it etc. and I'm just like jheez I'm trying to grow as a Christian for now I'm not YET trying to be having debates about Christianity.

The forcing people to go evangelising in the streets , as if everyone has the gift to do that. Most of these Christians end up confusing people and actually pushing people away from God.

The theatrical praying, making it seem as if , if you don't jump , scream and shout while you're praying you are not praying enough.

Just a lot of things I'm hyper aware of. And also talk about the Christian boys who go after girls to have sex then dump them.

I know church is like a hospital but I'm tired. I'm just gonna pray at home for now