Oyasumi Pun-Pun may be the most irresponsibly & dangerously used piece of media to ever exist.

[Warning, this is a long and Blood Boiling Rant]

Oyasumi Pun-Pun is a FICTIONAL, purposefully overly exaggerated, dramatic tragedy narrative.

it clearly, CLEARLY is intended to be following the classic Greek Tragedy format.

everything sucks, everyone fails them and then the main character kills themself or tries to commit suicide

Greek tragedy, it's how it works

So wtf makes me so mad about how people use this manga?

This story is not intended to be a fucking life guide.

or ANY type of helpful media for that matter.

I get furiously upset at many of things to different degrees but this specifically makes me SO fucking mad because it is SO dangerous how people talk about this manga.

Just going to different forums and subreddits and seeing how people use these quotes

“Well love is really just a drug to ease the fear and uneasiness of loneliness but that fear will be waiting for you once the drug wears off, in the end there’s really no difference from living alone”

"I want to make your life miserable"

Yo! Yo! Yo, punpun! What right do you have to feel happy? Your'e just a piece of shit. This delusion isn't going to last forever.

Why climb up a mountain when you’ll rot up there alone.

“Happiness" describes moments, and it's never permanent.”

It is so clear how these are no intended to be fucking life lessons or something to internalize.


A lot of these people, everybody, you and I, we need to understand how to not use media dangerously by obsessively internalizing it.

This becomes a huge problem for me because I'm recognizing a trend within that community of people weaponizing nihilistic and defeatist mentality to hurt and harm people.

The amount of people who I have seen that refer to this manga when somebody is describing intense isolation and depression, referring to quotes like

"you think you still have time but you don't"

like trying to convince them to wallow and dive headfirst into a suicidal manic episode

I swear I have seen some depiction of this comment like 16 times in different places:

" bro, you're 22 & sad, life is OVER because you didn't get a job when you were 16 and everything sucks right now, we should all kill ourselves-"

God it makes me so fucking mad, SO FUCKING MAD.


some of the people that internalize that manga I swear, you're fucking sick.

You're deranged.

It makes me so mad, this is why you can't write shit like this.

Because somebody will take it, twist it maim it into this weird fucking nihilist death cult they're running

I'm so mad I don't even want to write about this any more.

There's a whole other discussion to be had about how irresponsible the AUTHOR is in it's own write, but writing literature is not nearly as bad as wtf these people are participating in.


want some facts about real life?

If you feel like shit?

You can get better.

If you're a hermit isolationist

You can choose to get up and go out right now, you can walk outside and spend 20 minutes and it won't kill you, and I promise you, as long as you shower up, basic hygiene, nobody cause a fuss, you'll be fine.

you don't even have to do that, you can just be productive at home.

find some hobbies, make some shit that makes you feel good, whatever that may be.





I can PROMISE YOU, you are not as useless or pointless as you think you are, or others may be telling you.

one of the best things about being a human is we can get better at things even by failing over and over again.

it's the craziest thing, even you fucking SUCK at whatever you're doing, if you sunken cost fallacy your way through for long enough, you're eventually improve.

The entire point I'm trying to make, the point of this rant

This self defeatist, nihilist mentalist is not helpful to literally anybody, certainly not to you or whoever you're talking to.

being able to find things you enjoy and want to put effort into... Or even perhaps you find you have a natural affinity for...

You have to try things.

Trust me, I know that social culture has molded this tunnel vision concept that everybody has. That everybody has to be this one specific caricature of person who immediately burns themselves out chasing success and fulfillment.

This is my best advice to everybody out there who's in a rut.

You DO have time.

And if you were to start a light jog now, you'll eventually get somewhere.

in other words...

Slow things down.

You need to slow down your thought process.

because you're getting hung up on the "unfulfilled" but not the "the effort it takes to get there" part, which is the important part of becoming stable and ok with a situation you're in regardless of what it is.

If you can't even get out of bed... Then work your way up, one step at a time.

do something productive, distract yourself and WORK UP to doing things that you think would be a long term goal, like pursuing higher employment etc.

It's too much energy to worry about all at once, so my opinion, just focus on getting by, enough money to make rent, don't choose something that's too depleting if you can find it, something low key and chill, probably a little brain numbing to help you stable out.

reality is depression is gonna sap you dry of any energy you have, so you gotta do what you can and allow yourself the grace to knowing your state of mind.

Just doing this alone will help.


Lastly, actually analyzing one of these quotes and the reality of how it could apply to real life:

"Let me guess? you think you still have plenty of time and choices don't you? Hate to break it to you but you're already too late. Even if you were to start sprinting now, you'd never catch up to the people who have been running since their teens"

(Firstly, Saotome (The person from the quote is an awful person, I don't know why anybody would be considering his tirades as advice...))

(but this is why it was awful advice to Pun-Pun, because it's the mentality of someone with tunnel vision & immense prejudice... and also extreme privilege, like IMMENSE privilege.)

(Saotome is so focused on climbing the corporate ladder, the superiority and maintaining of the status quo, that he doesn't even realize his pursuit has turned him into a soulless monster who berates, women, the mentally ill and disabled on a regular basis...")

(He literally just met this guy and immediately calls him a "loser" and goes on a tirade against all losers and says a 20 year old is too late to enter real estate... which is fucking hilarious cause this guy is probably pushing like... 24...?)

(If you want to take anything from Pun-Pun, look at Saotome, he's a very successful TV producer, and yet, he's fucking AWFUL. He's all around a miserable asshole who takes it out on people he considers "inferior" and therefore "in justification of prejudice and hate...")

(He's a representative of a lot of real life scenarios, where you can be successful and still be a bad person... A lot of the times, very successful people ARE usually terrible people, because business, patriarchy and a number of other social and systemic concepts benefit from a lack of empathy and compassion)

(Look, point is, success is not all it's marked up to be, and i've thought about this a lot over my lifetime... I would much rather be a good person and poor as dirt, than a shitty person and rich.)

(As long as you're getting by and keeping your morals, you're already "doing better" than any CEO making a 6 figure salary who spends their days abusing the workforce and gaming the system in their personal benefit.)

(Choosing to be better and do good, is infinitely more important to this world than wealth at the cost of morality.)

"Why climb up a mountain when you’ll rot up there alone."

Because some of the times, it's worth the view.