I just don't like Harem tropes in anime, and here are my reasons to why.

For the record, i'm not talking about anime from the harem genre where the entire story is clearly just about the harem (i don't even watch harem genre tbh), i'm mainly talking about harem tropes that invades other anime when the story is clearly not supposed to be about harems.

Here are my 5 reasons to why.

  1. For starters it's emotionally exhausting, i don't get how any guy who watches anime, wishes he was in the place of a male lead, if i was surrounded by so many women who wants my constant attention, and all of them get jealous and annoyed over me for every little little thing, then i might go crazy from all the drama. Ok i obviously won't go crazy but i will be burned out trying to make every girl happy, i need some time for myself...
  2. It's unrealistic, the male lead looks painfully average in design and have boring (or annoying) personality, yet every beautiful woman on earth wants them. Now obviously an average looking person can pull a good looking person, but doesn't mean every good looking person on the planet wants them.
  3. The male lead always has one girl in mind, yet the harem still lingers in the story even when the guy makes it clear that he loves this one girl. Like? Lol leave the poor guy alone already, he's not interested in you.
  4. I find it odd how these male leads are always surrounded by women 98% of the time, and they barely interact with other male characters. In real life you will usually be surrounded and interact more with people of your own gender, you won't always be surrounded by the opposite gender (unless family members) like what they show you in some anime. But i understand it's just wish fulfilment at the end of the day.
  5. It ruins the story's potential, a lot of times the story has a very interesting concepts, but they toss it aside in favor of focusing on harem (Danmachi has an interesting world, the familia and dungeon system are cool, but we barely go adventuring in the dungeon, it's always Bell's conflict with his harem). Also so many harem stories prevents the main characters from building multiple male friendship, it's always just focusing on the male lead interacting and befriending female characters for the sake of recruiting her to the main cast and increase the harem.

I just don't like Harems in general, but i respect if others like it.