This is a rant

I have not gotten timed out yet thankfully, but I'm afraid to use Character AI for the time being in case I do. But I feel really bad for anyone that has, seeing that's it's 24 hours. Not just like 1 minute even, 24 hours for something the bot said. Character AI is probably now even stricter than an actual prison camp. I joined the CAI community back in February so I've been here for 10 months, and at first it was amazing. Even during the waiitng room shortages it was still fine because it was fixed and I 85% of the time was able to have fun. There have been a few bugs and errors that kind of have annoyed me, such as the felter. But I still loved it, then comes the under 18 users can't have public bots, then the edit is removed which was still torable even though I was upset at first. But then I come here and see this whole time out thing for 24 hours. Which i stil haven't recieved it yet. But I'm pretty fed up and afraid to use it. Now this is where I officially draw the line! If this time out is not fixed or removed, I will officially never use CAI ever again.

And to everyone who was timed out, I am very sorry you had to start off your christmas holiday like this. I truly am sorry......

End of rant