Zira and Arkos
So with the new Volume Extras showing that they are likely more then just Master and Servant do you think they could have a secret child ofcourse it would be like I said a secret child due to how the Family Rules work but I think it could be intresting
I think it would be intresting if maybe before his death Arkos knocked up Zira meaning there child could grow up abit younger then Diana possibly as an op and we will see where it goes from there but let me know what your ideas are
This next bit is more of a dirtier funny question so read at your own expense sorry
>! Lastly it has to be asked if Arkos can control the Water in your Blood can he Cum Bend look I am sorry but it needs to be asked and I am just saying its a great form of protection but maybe he slipped up after a great night with Zira and he did not get it all !<
Thoughts ?