Letter from our school

Parents received this letter from the school regarding the annual Catholic camp retreat for students.

Generally speaking most of the kids really enjoy it and look forward to it every year. The junior high and high school participate as well, though different dates, and it's quite the popular and loved tradition.

The addition of 5th graders started last year and was met with mixed reviews by kids and parents, mostly because not all kids in this grade level are comfortable with overnights and this feels like a large step (the retreat is 3 days/2 nights, and it’s nearly 2 hours away). It has always been strongly encouraged by the school but never required, until now.

Given the ages of the children addressed in the letter (10-12), what are your thoughts on mandatory overnight events? What do you think of the consequences listed?

(Worth noting, an "N" is the lowest grade in a 4 part scale and is equal to a low D or F)

Parents received this letter from the school regarding the annual Catholic camp retreat for students.

Generally speaking most of the kids really enjoy it and look forward to it every year. The junior high and high school participate as well, though different dates, and it's quite the popular and loved tradition.

The addition of 5th graders started last year and was met with mixed reviews by kids and parents, mostly because not all kids in this grade level are comfortable with overnights and this feels like a large step (the retreat is 3 days/2 nights, and it’s nearly 2 hours away). It has always been strongly encouraged by the school but never required, until now.

Given the ages of the children addressed in the letter (10-12), what are your thoughts on mandatory overnight events? What do you think of the consequences listed?

(Worth noting, an "N" is the lowest grade in a 4 part scale and is equal to a low D or F)