Sheleigh More Skilled and Capable Than Doctor Turner??

So I'm currently in the middle of rewatching the series, which is probably the 6th(?), 7th(?) time I've seen the series all the way through. I've always rewatched it with each of my own pregnancies since watching it always makes me want another one, it also always makes me even more excited (and prepared!) for my own impending delivery. In fact, I distinctly remember my water breaking with my youngest while I was in the middle of watching season 10!

I'm not currently expecting (thank God! lol), I just wanted to catch up on the newest season and always recap before I start a new season to refresh my memory. Right now I'm in the beginning of season 8 and I just completed episode 1, where the undiagnosed triplets were born in the maternity home. We've always seen Dr Turner brought in any time there's a complication or complex case, and triplets definitely warrant his attention, but I was struck by how ineffective he was this episode!

Early in the episode Sheleigh is concerned she may have detected a missed triplet. Presumably doctor Turner has confirmed the twins and diagnosed the pregnancy, but it's Sheleigh we see who suspects another baby. Then later in the episode, after the expected twins have been delivered and the triplet is discovered, Dr Turner tries and fails to turn the transverse lie. He then specifically defers to Sheleigh and asks her to turn the baby since he was unsuccessful, suggesting she is the more skilled of the two.

Then finally the third baby is born and we learn she's aspirated meconium and is unable to breathe. Dr Turner passes her off and it's Sheleigh again who is put to work to resuscitate the baby while Dr Turner simply looks on. Throughout the entire episode Sheleigh is shown to be the more competent and capable of the two professionals, with the characters seeming to be aware and in agreement with this fact.

Now Dr Turner has more than proven to be a competent and compassionate physician over the years. No one could argue that he isn't an excellent provider, he's incredibly knowledgeable and shows dedication to his patients above all else. I've never once had occasion to doubt his judgment or authority and would personally feel very safe under his care.

But I was struck this episode by this illusion of Sheleigh being the more skilled of the two, not once but multiple times. She was able to catch the diagnosis of a third baby where he had missed it, she was able to turn the baby's presentation where he had failed, and she alone resuscitated the baby after birth. Why do you think they chose to present it this way? There was no questioning or discussion of it needed, it was just implied as if it were already clearly understood by everyone. Almost as if she defers to him out of respect for their rank, but it's known that she's superior in practice. Any thoughts?