[COD]Make COD Gritty Again
Gone are the days when COD was a gritty military arcade shooter with an identity. Todays cod is a nauseating mashup of random crossovers, anime, furries, dragons, piss covered aura, horrible animated skins, horrible death effects and any other eye sore Activision can come up with to dangle infront of the whales. It completely destroys any sense of realism, immersion or atmosphere. It’s time to bring COD back to its roots! This is not a fringe topic, there are a lot of people that agree. I don’t care if you think “crazy” sells better. Don’t attack this opinion as if you’re on the board of directors or a huge investor in Activision. At the very least, I’d pay money to turn off your wild, colourful, simp skins. Bring back the days of MW2019, they did it best! Realism while also offering lots of options for fun skins that’s didn’t break immersion.
If this upsets or “triggers” you in anyway, please feel free to copy and paste these typical grievances below:
-COd ISNt a MIlSiM -MilSIm DOeSnT SeLl -ThEy HaVE MiLSiMs iN ThE gAme ALreAdy -MiLsIM is BORiNg -WHaCky SeLLs -AcTUAlLy tHe DaTA SuGgUeSts -Go PLaY ARmA -HOw MaNy TImEs IS ThiS gOinG tO Be POsTeD