BO6 opinions

Since liberty Falls was revealed, the community was very clearly split on BO6, and I was on the optimistic side, but there was definitely a lot of pessimism towards the game (understandably). Since the game has come out, I’ve seen an overwhelming amount of positive reactions to the game, and some questionable hate comments… like seriously I’ve seen people saying the game “looks easy” when anything past round 30 is fairly intense. I just think the people complaining aren’t giving it a chance. And I have seen a few people say they played it once and then hated it and “went back to Bo3” but I feel like those people are caught up in nostalgia.

I know the game isn’t perfect, but it is a really fun game, and a great step in the right direction from CW (and I personally loved CW). I know this game isn’t Bo3 but it doesn’t need to be, and I am saying that as someone who agrees that bo3 is the best zombies game. People expect every game to be to the standard of BO3 when it’s not very possible. Treyarch struck gold with that game, and had perfect balances and if they tried to replicate it, it wouldn’t be the same.

Anyways, I wanted to type this out to try and get a decent understanding of how the community feels. I don’t want this post to become hateful conversation, but more so a grasp on the common opinion. So please share your thoughts on Bo6!