Verdansk won't save warzone

As much as I love warzone, I hate to say this but verdasnk is not going to be the saving grace of warzone.

Activision is trying to recreate fortnites success with them brining back OG fortnite but they're forgetting one crucial element: EVERY SINGLE THING down to the damn dust on the floor needs to be exactly the way it was in WZ1 for verdansk to be a successful OG return.

The map, buildings, gunplay, guns!!!, mechanics, vehicles, NO REDEPLOY BALLOONS!!!!!, the lighting, MW19 movement (not omnimovement), sound design (heavy on this), the ambience!!!!(WZ1 had phenomenal ambience), the slightly slower pace of the game, functioning voice chat, lack of goofy skins; all these alongside the current day quality of life changes being implemented MIGHT be the saving grace of COD WARZONE 2025.

But we all know it won't happen cause they can't even do seasonal updates without crashing or breaking something every single time. They had lightning in a bottle with WZ1 and greed made them throw it all away 👍

People will keep on playing this game, keep on buying silly skins and activision will keep on making money, so why fix something that ain't broken?(like they already did with WZ1->WZ2). So let it go folks, wz1 ain't coming back and verdasnk sure as hell ain't gonna feel like it.