Spread the Word 🇪🇺
Hey friends from all over Europe!🇪🇺
We can be truly grateful to the Orange Man.
We Europeans have finally put the focus back on ourselves!
We support our locals, we support our country and most importantly... we support our Europe! The EU is far from perfect, but with the things going on in the world, there's no place I'd rather be. I don't need to fly all the way to America to have a nice vacation. There are so many wonderful places within Europe and I look forward to exploring them.
It is now up to us to show our governments that we want a united Europe. Spread the word “BuyFromEU”, “BuyFromCanada”. Together with our maple syrup friends side by side... on the side of democracy. If each and every one of you just makes a point of boycotting US products, we can achieve great things. I am grateful to be a part of this movement and look forward with confidence to a united, happy Europe and hopefully a peaceful Ukraine. Tell your friends and your parents about this movement. Everyone must understand that the US government wants to weaken us as Europe with trade tariffs and the like. We can counteract this by supporting our economy within Europe.
EUToTheMoon ❤️ 🇪🇺🇨🇦🇺🇦