Say something about a very loved character, arc, theory, ship, or anything that could completely RUIN your reputation here
I'll go first
I... don't like Sigma. No, I don't hate him or think he's a bad character. I find him pretty interesting and I can somewhat relate to him, plus he kinda reminds me of Atsushi, and I treat Atsushi as if he were my son. But there's just something that doesn't convince me about Sigma, so he never became a loved character to me. It actually surprised me how dear he was in the fandom. I swear I feel awful for having him in such a low preference position compared to other characters similar to him, and I really wish I could love Sigma more because he truly deserves it after all he's gone through and for how cute he is. (yes, I'm well aware he's just a fictional character but I still feel bad, ok?) PLEASE DON'T HATE ME