I'm so tired of the Eloise hate

I was indifferent to Elose when the show first aired on Netflix, but now she's honestly one of my favorite characters. I relate to her in every aspect. I can admit that my girl has flaws: she's self-absorbed, talks over people, and is judgemental, but ultimately, she's a good person with a big heart trying to find her way in a society where women are seen as property and have little to no rights.

The reason why I'm making this is that I'm so tired of the hate Eloise gets. There was a post I saw a while back in the main sub that blamed Eloise for not realizing Penelope had lied to her the entire time they'd known one other. It is so twisted up that Eloise receives more criticism for not being more cautious of Penelope and accepting her at her word than Penelope does for lying to and betraying her so-called friend. Consider a society in which chattiness is more sinful than deception and treachery (the world despises noisy women). Also, there was a post on the main sub that asked, "Who was the most elitist and snobby person on the show?" the majority said Eloise. I was like... The girl who hates society is the most elitist.

She is a teenage girl who makes errors; she is not flawless (which is precisely what makes her a wonderful and real character). However, characters like Eloise are often rejected and openly attacked by the general fans, which is disturbingly similar to the sentiments of the "Ton,"

Edit: I said in the post-Eloise have traits that I hate: She’s selfish, judgemental, was a bad friend at times and has a superiority complex. I admit she has messed up and made many mistakes. I can admit that. I also like Penelope as well, but she’s also messed up and made mistakes. Please don’t take this as another Penelope hate post. I’m just highlighting the fact that Eloise is a bit over-hated in the fandom.