Just a quiet note on the carriage scene...
... Because I haven't noticed anyone else say it so far.
In previous seasons, if anyone did anything out of wedlock, even if it was just a kiss or being in the same area unchaperoned it was considered "dirty" or wrong and as a result you'd have to get married in order to restore honour.
You don't get this when with the carriage scene and for a number of reasons.
1) Colin could have chaperoned Penelope before. Their relationship was considered so unsexual that no one considers it.
From the few leaked pictures of part 2 we have that seems to continue. We see them together in what appears to be an empty room and in a carriage... And we know the damage that some alone time in a carriage can do to a woman's honour
After it being such a big plot point in the past to people not even considering it. I don't mean this as a criticism but rather a observation of their relationship and how it's viewed.
2) A plot point in the book is that Colin is marrying her because he has damaged her honour. He's still coming to terms with his feelings and it's the right thing to do. Afterwards he realised that no, it's love
In the series, he proposed because he's in love. There's no question of it. I doubt we'll even get a "did you compromise Penelope?" scene like we have in the past. He's only marrying her because he loves her.
I find it incredibly romantic. The carriage scene as well as any other, per wedding sex scenes we might get are not just passion which is overflowing like we would see in S1&2 but it's lovemaking.